Spell Book - Page 1
Frost Shard

Type: Cold | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1250 Gold
Description: Launches shard of ice that slows down the enemy it hits.
Fire Bolt

Type: Fire | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a fiery missile.
Charged Bolt

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple bolts of electrical energy.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals yourself.
Heal Other

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Heals targeted friendly player or minion.
Holy Bolt

Type: Holy | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 1000 Gold
Description: Creates a bolt of holy energy that damages only undead enemies.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 2 | Book Price: 2000 Gold
Description: Creates a stream of flame that scorches enemies.
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Type: Utility | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Magically teleports player to nearest entrance within spell range.
Fire Wall

Type: Fire | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 6000 Gold
Description: Creates a wall of flame that burns your enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 2500 Gold
Description: Focuses power of mind on object or item and interacts with it from afar.

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Creates a powerful lightning torrent that strikes enemies.
Town Portal

Type: Utility | Required Level: 2 | Book Price: 3000 Gold
Description: Creates a portal that allows caster to magically teleport to town and back.

Type: Magic | Required Level: 4 | Book Price: 7500 Gold
Description: Creates a ring of energy around the caster that damages nearby enemies.
Circle of Ice

Type: Cold | Required Level: 3 | Book Price: 5000 Gold
Description: Creates a circle of ice around the caster that slows down and damages enemies.
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Type: Utility | Required Level: 6 | Book Price: 3500 Gold
Description: Quickly teleports the caster to nearby random location.
Lightning Wall

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 6500 Gold
Description: Creates a wall of electricity that shocks enemies who pass.
Stone Curse

Type: Unknown | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 12000 Gold
Description: Attempts to turn enemy into stone, preventing it from taking any action.
Fire Ball

Type: Fire | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 8000 Gold
Description: Creates a powerful fiery ball that explodes on hit, damaging target and adjacent enemies.
Flame Wave

Type: Fire | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 10000 Gold
Description: Ignites a moving flame wall that burns enemies on its way.
Chain Lightning

Type: Lightning | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 11000 Gold
Description: Creates multiple lightning torrents that auto-target and strike enemies.
Ice Blast

Type: Cold | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 12000 Gold
Description: Launches massive frost ball that slows and crushes target and adjacent enemies.
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Mind Mace

Type: Magic | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 13500 Gold
Description: Summons a mind mace that crushes enemies on its way.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 7 | Book Price: 10500 Gold
Description: Releases a fiery being that seeks and destroys enemies.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 9 | Book Price: 18000 Gold
Description: Creates a golem from the earth to serve you.
Frozen Orb

Type: Cold | Required Level: 14 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates a frozen sphere that overwhelms enemies with torrents of ice shards.
Meteor Cluster

Type: Fire & Physical | Required Level: 16 | Book Price: 18000 Gold
Description: Summons a cluster of fiery meteorites that burn and eradicate adjacent enemies.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 14000 Gold
Description: Summons a multiheaded beast of flame that shoots enemies within range.
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Type: Lightning | Required Level: 19 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates a massive expanding ring of lightning to destroy enemies within range.

Type: Cold | Required Level: 19 | Book Price: 16000 Gold
Description: Summons a lidless eye that shoots ice shards that slow nearby enemies and watches over the caster.

Type: Utility | Required Level: 12 | Book Price: 20000 Gold
Description: Instantly moves the caster to nearby selected location.

Type: Fire & Physical | Required Level: 30 | Book Price: 30000 Gold
Description: Engulfs all visible enemies in a burst of flame from beneath their feet.

Type: Cold | Required Level: 25 | Book Price: 28000 Gold
Description: Summons an ice storm to rain cold death onto enemies.

Type: Fire | Required Level: 21 | Book Price: 21000 Gold
Description: Creates an expanding circle of fireballs to destroy enemies around the caster.
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Dark Pact

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 0 | Book Price: 2000 Gold
Description: Sacrifices part of life energy to recover mana.

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 5 | Book Price: 10000 Gold
Description: Sacrifices life energy in ritual that causes the caster to become possessed and gain supernatural combat prowess. Causes severe exhaustion.
Bone Spirit

Type: Blood Magic | Required Level: 8 | Book Price: 11500 Gold
Description: Releases a spirit of the restless that is attracted by souls of the living and saps their life energy.
Blood Star

Type: Blood Magic & Unholy | Required Level: 12 | Book Price: 27500 Gold
Description: Creates a vile star out of caster's blood that defiles target and adjacent enemies.

Type: Blood Magic & Fire | Required Level: 9 | Book Price: 12500 Gold
Description: Begins a ritual that causes each hit to cost life energy in exchange for fire damage.