
Item Repair

Effect: Utility skill that repairs one equipable item to it's full durability, without cost and instantly
Cooldown: 5 min
Required Level: available from start

Effect: Slash attack that hits up to 3 targets, the one in front and two others from each adjacent side
Cost: 4.3 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Strength (increases the skill's damage)
Required Level: 8
Valiant Strike

Effect: Formidable attack that can knockback enemies, and also increases your defense for 3 sec
Cost: 4.5 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Strength (increases skill's damage)
Required Level: 16
Shield Wall

Effect: Defensive buff that toughens the user, but it requires an equiped shield to be cast and lasts 16 sec
Cost: 15.5 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Strength (reduces Damage Taken from Enemies & increases Attacker Takes Damage)
Required Level: 24

Effect: Thrust attack that does bonus damage based on distance, bonus applies for a max 10 square distance
Cost: 11 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Required Level: 32

Trap Disarm

Effect: Utility skill that can disarm trapped doors or chests, after it factors in the Dungeon Level and your Dexterity
Synergy: Dexterity (increases the chance of success)
Required Level: available from start
Multiple Shot

Effect: Split attack that shoots multiple arrows, thou each of them will deal reduced damage
Cost: 6.5 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Dexterity (increases the number of arrows)
Required Level: 8
Piercing Shots

Effect: Offensive buff that gives arrows a chance to pierce through several enemies for 15 sec
Cost: 10% + 15 Mana
Cooldown: 2 min (decreases when Pierce Chance increases)
Synergy: Dexterity (increases the Pierce Chance)
Required Level: 16
Guided Arrow

Effect: Smart attack that enables the arrow to follow a target or find one, even out of direct visual sight
Cost: 4 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Required Level: 24
Sightless Eye

Effect: Powerfull attack that turns the arrow in a deadly star which upon hit explodes, doing adjacent damage
Cost: 9 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Dexterity (increases skill's Damage and Adjacent Damage)
Required Level: 32

Staff Recharge

Effect: Utility skill that recharges one staff to it's full charges, without cost and instantly
Cooldown: 5 min
Required Level: available from start
Elemental Drain

Effect: Offensive buff that enables spells to pierce through the enemies' resistances for 8.525 sec
Cost: 10% + 15 Mana
Cooldown: 2.5 min
Synergy: Magic (increases All Resistances Penetration & duration of buff)
Required Level: 8
Mana Shield

Effect: Defensive buff that turns mana into hit points and makes you a bit more physical resistant for 30 min
Cost: 10% Mana
Synergy: Magic (increases Physical Resistance)
Required Level: 16

Effect: Defensive and offensive buff that makes you less susceptible to damage and fast-moving for 8.5 sec
Cost: 5% + 25 Mana
Cooldown: 3 min
Synergy: Magic (increases All Resistances & Armor Class & Attacker Takes Damage & duration of buff)
Required Level: 24
Temporal Slowdown

Effect: Defensive and offensive buff with which the caster slows down time flow in order to react better in combat
Cost: 10% + 100 Mana
Cooldown: 2 min
Synergy: Magic (increases Time Slowed % & Slowdown Duration)
Required Level: 32


Effect: Offensive buff that turns you berserk and increases attributes, but when it ends it makes you lethargic
Cooldown: 36 sec
Required Level: available from start

Effect: Slash attack that hits up to 3 targets, the one in front and two other from each adjacent side
Synergy: Strength (increases the skill's damage)
Required Level: 8

Effect: Stacking attack that with each hit adds damage and speed, but it also deducts defense and resistance
Synergy: Strength (increases the number of stacks)
Required Level: 16
Inner Fire

Effect: Defensive and offensive buff that allows you to use all the Fire element's features for 24 sec
Cooldown: 2 min
Synergy: Strength (decreases Target Fire Resistance & increases Fire Hit Damage & Attacker Takes Fire Damage)
Required Level: 24
Mortal Strike

Effect: Formidable attack with which you hit extremely hard, but has a significant negative impact on your defense
Cooldown: 6 sec
Required Level: 32
1New character addition, exclusive to this mod.

Raise Zombie

Effect: Support skill that uses a humanoid, beast or demon corpse to reanimate a zombie, but it won't follow you
Cost: 5.5 Life (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Vitality (increases Zombie's Health)
Required Level: available from start
Raise Skeleton

Effect: Support skill that summons a skeleton who will follow and protect you everywhere you go
Cost: 9.4 Life (increases with Character Level)
Cooldown: 1 sec
Synergy: Vitality (increases Skeleton's Health)
Required Level: 8
Corpse Explosion

Effect: Offensive skill that uses any monster's corpse to expel the leftover dead energy in a 9 square violent burst
Cost: 14 Life (increases with Character Level)
Required Level: 16

Effect: Support skill that uses any monster's corpse to reanimate monster and enrage it, but it won't follow you
Cost: 25 Life (increases with Character Level)
Required Level: 24
Blood Ritual

Effect: Offensive buff that boosts life and with which spells will use up life instead of mana for 30 min
Cost: 10% Life
Required Level: 32
1New character addition, exclusive to this mod.


Effect: Defensive and offensive buff with which you can move unseen and gain advantages after breaking stealth
Cooldown: 5 sec
Required Level: available from start
Maleficent Strike

Effect: Powerfull attack when facing a monster and formidable attack when hitting a monster from behind
Cost: 4 Mana
Synergy: Dexterity (increases the skill's damage)
Required Level: 8

Effect: Crowd control skill with which you throw explosive bombs in a 9 square area, and targets are also stuned
Cost: 14 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Cooldown: 8 sec (decreases with Character Level)
Required Level: 16

Effect: Stacking attack that with each hit adds a damage bonus as well as some combat and defensive speed
Cost: 4 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Synergy: Dexterity (increases the number of stacks)
Required Level: 24
Dragon Flight

Effect: Utility skill that teleports you behind targer hitting it hard, and gives similar advantages as breaking stealth
Cooldown: 8 sec
Cost: 20 Mana (increases with Character Level)
Required Level: 32
1New character addition, exclusive to this mod.