Set Items
Hsarus' Iron Collar
Amulet+(3-5)% Faster Walk
Resist Fire : +(20-30)%
To Hit : (1x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Hsarus' Iron Fist
BucklerArmor Class: 5 +(0.5 x Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Chance to Block: 20%
Shield Damage: 1 to 2
Durability: 16
Armor Class: 5
-(1-2) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(5-10) to Strength
+(0.5x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Attacker Takes 5 - 5 Damage
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Attacker Takes 5 - 5 Damage
Resist Lightning : +25%
Adds 5 Points to Damage
Cannot Be Frozen
Arctic Cowl
CapArmor Class: (1-3)
Durability: 15
Hit Points : +(10-30)
+(2-3) to All Attributes
Chance to Hit : +(20-30)% (with 2 pieces)
+(5-10) to Dexterity (with 3 pieces)

Arctic Horn
Hunter's BowTwo Hand Damage: (2-3) to (7-9)
Durability: 40
Required Dexterity: 34
Bow Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(33-66)% Enhanced Damage
Chance to Hit : +(10-20)%
To Hit : (1x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Cold Hit Damage : 6 to 20 (with 3 pieces)

Arctic Furs
CloakArmor Class: (6-21) +(Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 18
+(100-200)% Enhanced Armor
Resist All : +(5-10)%
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Resist Cold : +15% (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+5 to Strength
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+5 to Strength
Hit Points: +50
Bonus with 4 pieces:
+5 to Strength
Hit Points: +50
Cold Hit Damage : 6 to 14
Cannot Be Frozen
Berserker's Headgear
HelmArmor Class: (10-15)
Durability: 30
Required Strength: 25
Armor Class: (10-15)
Resist Fire : +(20-30)%
To Hit : (2x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Berserker's Hatchet
Large AxeTwo Hand Damage: 6 to 16 (7-9) to (21-26) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 40
Required Strength: 37
Required Level: 3
Axe Class: Character dependent attack speed
Chance to Hit : +(20-40)%
Hit Steals (4-6)% Mana
+(33-66)% Enhanced Damage (with 2 pieces)
Reduces Target Fire Resistance: -(10-20)% (with 3 pieces)

Berserker's Hauberk
Ring MailArmor Class: (17-20) +(Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 50
Required Strength: 25
+(10-15) to Strength
-(2-3) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Hit Points: +50
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Hit Points: +50
Increased Armor: 50
Fire Hit Damage : 6 to 20
Half Freeze Duration
Civerb's Icon
AmuletRegenerates (1-2) Life per 5 Sec
Regenerates (1-2) Mana per 5 Sec
Resist Cold : +25% (with 2 pieces)
Increased Armor: 25 (with 3 pieces)

Civerb's Cudgel
MaceOne Hand Damage: 2 to 14 +(Clvl)
Durability: 80
Required Strength: 35
Required Level: 4
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
+100% Damage vs. Demon
Adds (1x) to Damage (Based on Character Level)
Chance to Hit : +(33-66)%
High Durability
+10% Critical Hit Chance (with 2 pieces)

Civerb's Ward
Large ShieldArmor Class: (15-25)
Chance to Block: (48-53)%
Shield Damage: (4-6) to (8-12)
Durability: 32
Required Strength: 40
Required Level: 4
Armor Class: (15-25)
+(15-20)% Increased Chance of Blocking
Mana : +25 (with 2 pieces)
Resist Magic : +25% (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Resist Fire : +15%
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+100% Damage vs. Undead
+15 to Strength
Resist Fire : +15%
Resist Lightning : +25%
Cathan's Mask
Full HelmArmor Class: (6-8)
Durability: 35
Required Strength: 35
Required Level: 5
Resist Cold : +(20-30)%
Mana : +(20-30)
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Cathan's Sigil
AmuletRequired Level: 5
Attacker Takes 3 - 6 Damage
+(10-15)% Faster Hit Recovery
Chance to Hit : +40% (with 2 pieces)
+25% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 3 pieces)

Cathan's Rule
Quarter StaffTwo Hand Damage: 8 to 20
Holy Bolt Charges: 96
Durability: 55
Required Strength: 35
Required Magic: 20
Required Level: 5
Staff Class: Character dependent attack speed
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
+(50-100)% Damage vs. Undead
+4 to Holy Bolt Spell
Mana : +50 (with 2 pieces)
Resist All : +10% (with 3 pieces)
Reduces Target Magic Resistance: -(5-10)% (with 4 pieces)

Cathan's Mesh
Splint MailArmor Class: (40-50)
Durability: 65
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 5
Armor Class: (40-50)
Requirements -50%
Attacker Takes 5 - 5 Damage (with 2 pieces)
Resist Fire : +30% (with 3 pieces)
+15 to Magic (with 4 pieces)

Cathan's Seal
RingRequired Level: 5
Hit Steals (5-6)% Life
-(1-2) Damage Taken From Enemies
+10 to Strength (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Magic Hit Damage : 15 to 20
Bonus with 3 or 4 pieces:
Magic Hit Damage : 15 to 20
Resist All : +20%
Bonus with 5 pieces:
Magic Hit Damage : 16 to 32
Resist All : +30%
+10% Increased Cast Speed
Increased Maximum Mana 15%
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Angelic Wings
AmuletRequired Level: 6
-(2-3) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(10-20)% Light Radius
Hit Points : +50 (with 2 pieces)
Spells Are Increased 1 Level (with 3 pieces)

Angelic Sickle
SabreOne Hand Damage: (6-9) to (11-14) (10-15) to (19-24) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 32
Required Strength: 32
Required Dexterity: 19
Required Level: 6
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(100-200)% Damage vs. Undead
Chance to Hit : +(20-50)%
Adds (3-6) Points to Damage
+75% Enhanced Damage (with 2 pieces)
+30% Increased Attack Speed (with 3 pieces)

Angelic Mantle
Ring MailArmor Class: (22-32) (47-57) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 50
Required Strength: 25
Required Level: 6
+(30-60)% Enhanced Armor
-(2-4) Damage Taken From Enemies
Half Freeze Duration
Increased Armor: 25 (with 2 pieces)
Resist Fire : +50% (with 3 pieces)

Angelic Halo
RingRequired Level: 6
Regenerates 3 Life per 5 Sec
Hit Points : +20
To Hit : (1x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+50% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+10 to Dexterity
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+10 to Dexterity
Mana : +50
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Resist All : +25%
Regenerates 3 Mana per 5 Sec
+10 to Dexterity
Mana : +50
+40% Chance of Getting Magic Items
Isenhart's Horns
Full HelmArmor Class: (15-20)
Durability: 35
Required Strength: 35
Required Level: 9
Armor Class: (15-20)
-(2-3) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(5-10) to Dexterity
Resist All : (5-10)% (with 2 pieces)

Isenhart's Lightbrand
ClaymoreOne Hand Damage: (13-17) to (23-27)
Durability: 40
Required Strength: 45
Required Level: 9
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
Adds (8-12) Points to Damage
+(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed
To Hit : +(3x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Isenhart's Case
Breast PlateArmor Class: (30-40) +(2 x Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 80
Required Strength: 40
Required Level: 9
Armor Class: (30-40)
-(2-4) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(2x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Isenhart's Parry
Kite ShieldArmor Class: (20-30)
Chance to Block: 28%
Shield Damage: (5-6) to (10-13)
Durability: 40
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 9
Armor Class: (20-30)
Half Freeze Duration
Attacker Takes 5 - 5 Damage
Resist All : +(10-15)%
+10 to All Attributes (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+10 to Strength
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+10 to Strength
+10 to Dexterity
Bonus with 4 pieces:
+10 to All Attributes
+10% Faster Walk
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking
Hit Steals 5% Life
Resist All : +10%
Cleglaw's Tooth
Long SwordOne Hand Damage: 2 to 12 +(Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 32
Required Strength: 52
Required Dexterity: 41
Required Level: 9
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(33-66)% Critical Hit Damage
Chance to Hit : +(20-30)%
Adds (1x) to Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
5% Chance to Cast Stone Curse on Striking (with 3 pieces)

Cleglaw's Claw
Kite ShieldArmor Class: (25-27)
Chance to Block: (43-48)%
Shield Damage: 6 to (12-13)
Durability: 40
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 9
Armor Class: (25-27)
+(15-20)% Increased Chance of Blocking
Resist All : +15% (with 2 pieces)
-(2-4) Damage Taken From Enemies (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Increased Armor: 30
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Increased Armor: 50
+25% Critical Hit Chance
Hit Steals 6% Mana
+20% Increased Attack Speed
Sigon's Visor
Great HelmArmor Class: (15-20)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 9
Armor Class: (15-20)
Mana : +(20-30)
Attacker Takes 1 - 6 Damage (with 2 pieces)
To Hit : +(2x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 4 pieces)

Sigon's Shelter
Plate MailArmor Class: (63-87)
Durability: 75
Required Strength: 48
Required Level: 9
+(50-75)% Enhanced Armor
Requirements -20%
Resist Lightning: +(20-30)%
Attacker Takes 1 - 6 Damage (with 2 pieces)
-2 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 3 pieces)

Sigon's Guard
Tower ShieldArmor Class: (12-20)
Chance to Block: 52%
Shield Damage: (3-4) to (6-9)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 60
Required Level: 9
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
+20% Increased Chance of Blocking
Attacker Takes 1 - 6 Damage (with 2 pieces)
-2 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Hit Steals 10% Life
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Hit Steals 10% Life
Increased Armor: 25
Attacker Takes 6 - 6 Damage
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Hit Steals 10% Life
Increased Armor: 50
Fire Hit Damage : 12 to 24
Attacker Takes 12 - 12 Damage
-7 Damage Taken From Enemies
Arcanna's Head
Skull CapArmor Class: (2-4)(+Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 20
Required Level: 9
Regenerates (2-4) Life per 5 Sec
+(5-10) to All Attributes
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Resist All : +20% (with 3 pieces)

Arcanna's Sign
AmuletRequired Level: 9
Regenerates (2-3) Mana per 5 Sec
Mana : +(10-20)
+50% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 2 pieces)
Mana : +(2x) (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)

Arcanna's Deathwand
Composite StaffTwo Hand Damage: 8 to 16
Guardian Charges: 33
Durability: 45
Required Strength: 27
Required Magic: 61
Required Level: 9
Staff Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(10-15)% Spell Power
+(1-3) to (a Page 3) Spell
+(2-4) to (a Page 2) Spell
Spells Are Increased 1 Level (with 2 pieces)
Mana : +50 (with 3 pieces)

Arcanna's Flesh
Splint MailArmor Class: (30-35) (80-85) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 65
Required Strength: 24
Required Level: 9
Requirements -40%
+(10-19)% Light Radius
-(3-4) Damage Taken From Enemies
Increased Armor: 50 (with 2 pieces)
+(0.5x) to Magic (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Mana : +25
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Mana : +25
Hit Points: +50
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Mana : +50
Hit Points: +50
+20% Increased Cast Speed
Hit Steals 5% Mana
Vidala's Snare
AmuletRequired Level: 10
Resist Cold : +(20-30)%
Hit Points : +(10-20)
+(3-5)% Critical Hit Chance (with 2 pieces)
+50% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 3 pieces)

Vidala's Barb
Short Battle BowTwo Hand Damage: 5 to 11 +(3 x Clvl)% (with 3 pieces)
Durability: 45
Required Strength: 36
Required Dexterity: 73
Required Level: 10
Bow Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(0.5x)-(1x) Cold Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(10-15)% Critical Hit Chance
To Hit : (3x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+(3x)% Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed (with 4 pieces)

Vidala's Ambush
Scale MailArmor Class: (40-50) +(Clvl) (with 3 pieces)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 35
Required Level: 10
Armor Class: (40-50)
+(10-15) to Dexterity
Resist Fire : +(20-30)% (with 2 pieces)
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+33% Critical Hit Damage
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+33% Critical Hit Damage
+15 to Dexterity
Bonus with 4 pieces:
+66% Critical Hit Damage
+30 to Dexterity
+10 to Strength
Cold Hit Damage : 15 to 20
Piercing Attack: 50%
Death's Touch
Broad SwordOne Hand Damage: (7-9) to (18-22)
Durability: 50
Required Strength: 65
Required Dexterity: 39
Required Level: 11
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(25-50)% Enhanced Damage
Hit Steals (3-5)% Life
+(0.5x)-(1x) Cold Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Reduces Target Cold Resistance: -(5-10)% (with 3 pieces)

Death's Grasp
RingRequired Level: 9
Resist All: +(11-22)%
-(1-2) Damage Taken From Enemies
Adds (2-4) Points to Damage
+(5-10)% Increased Attack Speed (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Hit Steals 8% Life
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Hit Steals 8% Life
Chance to Hit : +40%
Resist All : +25%
Adds 10 Points to Damage
Tancred's Skull
Great HelmArmor Class: (10-15)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 13
+(10-20)% Enhanced Damage
Chance to Hit : +(30-50)%
Resist All : +10% (with 2 pieces)
+5 to All Attributes (with 3 pieces)

Tancred's Weird
AmuletRequired Level: 17
-(2-3) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(10-20)% Faster Hit Recovery
To Hit : (2x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+75% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 3 pieces)
+5 to All Attributes (with 4 pieces)

Tancred's Crusher
MaulOne Hand Damage: (30-36) to (54-64)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 90
Required Level: 16
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
One Handed Weapon
+(50-80)% Enhanced Damage
Chance to Hit : +(50-75)%
Mana : +(20-30) (with 2 pieces)
+(22-33)% Increased Attack Speed (with 3 pieces)
+(33-66)% Critical Hit Damage (with 4 pieces)

Tancred's Spine
Gothic PlateArmor Class: (50-60) +(3 x Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 100
Required Strength: 80
Required Level: 15
Hit Points : +(30-50)
+(20-30) to Strength
+(3x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+5 to All Attributes (with 3 pieces)
Resist All : +(0.334x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 4 pieces)

Tancred's Claws
RingRequired Level: 16
+(1x) to Dexterity (Based on Character Level)
+(1x) to Strength (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+(3-5)% Critical Hit Chance (with 3 pieces)
+5 to All Attributes (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Lightning Hit Damage : 15 to 15
Bonus with 3 or 4 pieces:
Lightning Hit Damage : 15 to 15
Hit Steals 6% Life
Bonus with 5 pieces:
Lightning Hit Damage : 30 to 30
Hit Steals 6% Life
Hit Steals 6% Mana
Resist All : +10%
+75% Extra Gold From Monsters
Naj's Circlet
CrownArmor Class: (8-12)
Durability: 40
Required Level: 17
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
+(5-10) to All Attributes
Regenerates (2-3) Mana per 5 Sec (with 2 pieces)

Naj's Puzzler
Long StaffTwo Hand Damage: 3 to 12
Teleport Charges: 57
Durability: 35
Required Strength: 21
Required Magic: 105
Required Level: 17
Staff Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(20-30) to Magic
+(5-10) to Dexterity
Resist All : +(10-20)% (with 2 pieces)
(0.5x)% Spell Power (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)

Naj's Light Plate
Light PlateArmor Class: (35-40)
Durability: 60
Required Level: 17
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Requirements -100%
Resist All : +(10-20)%
Mana : +(20-30)
+(1x) to Magic (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+5% Spell Power
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+10% Spell Power
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
+10% Increased Cast Speed
Increased Maximum Mana 20%
Milabrega's Diadem
Great HelmArmor Class: (30-40)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 50
Required Level: 20
Armor Class: (30-40)
Hit Points : +(20-40)
Mana : +(20-40)
Resist Magic : +20% (with 2 pieces)
Resist Lightning : +20% (with 3 pieces)
Resist Fire : +20% (with 4 pieces)

Milabrega's Rod
ScepterOne Hand Damage: (16-20) to (20-24)
Durability: 50
Required Strength: 73
Required Dexterity: 73
Required Level: 21
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
Adds (8-12) Points to Damage
+(50-100)% Damage vs. Undead
+(10-20)% Light Radius
To Hit : (2x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
(0.5x)-(1x) Fire Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
1-(2x) Lightning Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+(30-40)% Increased Attack Speed (with 4 pieces)

Milabrega's Robe
Full Plate MailArmor Class: 75 (135-150) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 90
Required Strength: 100
Required Level: 21
Armor Class: 75
-(3-6) Damage Taken From Enemies
Hit Points : +(40-60)
Attacker Takes 5 - 5 Damage
+(80-100)% Enhanced Armor (with 2 pieces)
Increased Maximum Mana: +(10-15)% (with 3 pieces)
+50% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 4 pieces)

Milabrega's Orb
Gothic ShieldArmor Class: (20-30) (26-49) (with 4 pieces)
Chance to Block: 40% (70%) (with 2 pieces)
Shield Damage: (5-7) to (11-15)
Required Strength: 80
Required Level: 19
Armor Class: (20-30)
+(20-30)% Chance of Getting Magic Items
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking (with 2 pieces)
Hit Points : +50 (with 3 pieces)
+(33-66)% Enhanced Armor (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Resist All : +15%
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Resist All : +30%
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 2 Levels
+15 to All Attributes
Resist All : +45%
Hit Steals 8% Life
Hit Steals 8% Mana
Infernal Cranium
CrownArmor Class: 15 +(Clvl) (with 2 pieces)
Durability: 40
Required Level: 17
Armor Class: 15
-(2-4) Damage Taken From Enemies
Resist All: +(15-25)%
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Increased Maximum Mana 10% (with 3 pieces)

Infernal Torch
ScepterOne Hand Damage: 8 to 12
Durability: 50
Required Level: 23
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
5% Chance to Cast Immolation on Striking
+(0.334x)% Spell Power (Based on Character Level)
Mana : +(33-66)
Hit Points : +(22-44)
Requirements -100%
Spells Are Increased 1 Level (with 2 pieces)

Infernal Sign
RingRequired Level: 20
+(3-5)% Spell Power
Hit Points : +(15-30)
+10% Increased Cast Speed
-10 to Strength
+30 to Magic (with 2 pieces)
+33% Increased Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+5% Spell Power
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+10% Spell Power
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Reduces Target Magic Resistance: -(10-20)%
Resist All : +25%
+10 to All Attributes
Iratha's Coil
CrownArmor Class: (8-12) +(Clvl)
Durability: 40
Required Level: 19
+(1x) to Armor Class (Based on Character Level)
Hit Points : +(1x) (Based on Character Level)
+(20-30) to Dexterity
-(10-5) to Strength
Half Freeze Duration (with 2 pieces)
Cold Hit Damage : 2 to 12 (with 3 pieces)

Iratha's Collar
AmuletRequired Level: 20
+(25-35) to Dexterity
-(2-3) Damage Taken From Enemies
Resist Magic : +(20-40)%
Half Freeze Duration
Resist All : +15% (with 2 pieces)
Cold Hit Damage : 2 to 12 (with 3 pieces)

Iratha's Shelter
Light PlateArmor Class: (70-100)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 40
Required Level: 23
+(100-150)% Enhanced Armor
-(20-10)% Light Radius
Hit Points : +(30-60)
Resist All : +(15-25)%
+(0.5x) to Dexterity (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+(0.5x)-(1x) Cold Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+(10-20)% Increased Attack Speed (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+30 to Dexterity
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+30 to Dexterity
+10% Faster Walk
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Resist All : +30%
+30 to Dexterity
+10% Faster Walk
Piercing Attack: 33%
+25% Chance to Knockback
Harridan's Hat
War HatArmor Class: (22-46)
Durability: 22
Required Strength: 20
Required Level: 24
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
+(1-3) to (a Page 4) Spell
+(1-3) to (a Page 3) Spell
Increased Armor: (20-30)
+12 to All Attributes (with 2 pieces)
Resist All : +20% (with 3 pieces)

Harridan's Cane
Cedar StaffTwo Hand Damage: 8 to 24
Durability: 80
Required Strength: 68
Required Level: 25
Staff Class: Character dependent attack speed
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
+(1-2) to (a Page 5) Spell
+(1-3) to (a Page 4) Spell
+(1-3) to (a Page 3) Spell
Mana : +(75-125)
+20% Spell Power (with 2 pieces)
+10% Increased Cast Speed (with 3 pieces)

Harridan's Rags
TattersArmor Class: (91-122)
Durability: 40
Required Level: 25
Increased Armor: (75-100)
High Durability
+(1-3) to (a Page 4) Spell
+(1-3) to (a Page 3) Spell
Regenerates (3-5) Mana per 5 Sec
Spells Are Increased 1 Level (with 2 pieces)
+75% Chance of Getting Magic Items (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Increased Maximum Mana 10%
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Resist All : 20%
Maximum Resist Cold : +15%
Reduces Target Cold Resistance: -10%
Increased Maximum Mana 10%
ALDUR'S SPIRIT (Mace or Bow)
Aldur's Stony Gaze
BarbuteArmor Class: (34-55)
Durability: 45
Required Strength: 98
Required Level: 25
+(80-120)% Enhanced Armor
+25% Faster Hit Recovery
Regenerates (3-6) Mana per 5 Sec
-20% Light Radius
Resist Cold : +(40-50)%
+10 to Magic (with 2 pieces)
+5 to All Attributes (with 3 pieces)

Aldur's Motion
Flanged MaceOne Hand Damage: 8 to 36
Durability: 48
Required Strength: 110
Required Level: 27
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(100-150)% Damage vs. Demon
+(100-150)% Damage vs. Undead
Fire Hit Damage : 35 to 50
Lightning Hit Damage : 1 to 60
+(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed
Hit Steals 8% Life (with 2 pieces)
Hit Steals 6% Mana (with 3 pieces)

Aldur's Deception
HauberkArmor Class: (112-175)
Durability: 90
Required Strength: 63
Required Level: 27
+(125-150)% Enhanced Armor
Requirements -40%
Resist Lightning : +(40-50)%
+15 to Dexterity
+20 to Strength
+15 to Vitality (with 2 pieces)
+5 to All Attributes (with 3 pieces)

Aldur's Rythm
Ward BowTwo Hand Damage: 12 to 20
Durability: 64
Required Strength: 75
Required Dexterity: 151
Required Level: 27
Bow Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(100-150)% Damage vs. Demon
+(100-150)% Damage vs. Undead
Piercing Attack: (30-40)%
Lightning Hit Damage : 1 to 80
+(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed
Hit Steals 8% Life (with 2 pieces)
Hit Steals 6% Mana (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Chance to Hit : +66%
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Act of Transformation (Goatman Macer / Goatman Archer)
Resist All : +25%
Chance to Hit : +150%
Mana : +80
+50% Chance of Getting Magic Items
Hwanin's Splendor
VisorArmor Class: (42-69)
Durability: 52
Required Strength: 123
Required Level: 26
+(75-125)% Enhanced Armor
Regenerates (8-12) Life per 5 Sec
-(3-5) Damage Taken From Enemies
Resist Cold : +(30-40)%

Hwanin's Justice
Twin AxeTwo Hand Damage: (55-66) to (140-168)
Required Strength: 131
Required Level: 30
Axe Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(150-200)% Enhanced Damage
Lightning Hit Damage : 5 to 25
+(30-40)% Increased Attack Speed
Chance to Hit : +(100-150)%
10% Chance to Cast Ice Blast on Striking (with 2 pieces)

Hwanin's Refuge
Mesh ArmorArmor Class: (180-240)
Durability: 80
Required Strength: 97
Required Level: 28
Increased Armor: (125-175)
Resist Magic : +(30-40)%
Hit Points : +(75-99)
+3 to Ice Blast Spell (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 or 3 pieces:
bugged (they don't apply)
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 2 Levels
Increased Armor: 100
+15% Faster Walk
Hit Steals 15% Life
Resist All : +30%
Thunderlord's Fist
KnoutOne Hand Damage: (21-31) to (55-65)
Durability: 54
Required Strength: 130
Required Dexterity: 110
Required Level: 30
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
15% Chance to Cast Lightning on Striking
+5 to Lightning Spell
Adds (20-30) Points to Damage
Chance to Hit : +(75-100)%
1-(4x) Lightning Damage (Based on Character Level)
Hit Steals 8% Mana (with 2 pieces)
+20% Increased Attack Speed (with 2 pieces)

Thunderlord's Parry
MonarchArmor Class: (54-83)
Chance to Block: (68-78)%
Shield Damage: (15-18) to (30-36)
Required Strength: 156
Required Level: 30
+(80-120)% Enhanced Armor
+(20-30)% Increased Chance of Blocking
Resist Fire : -(50-30)%
Resist Lightning : +(30-50)%
Maximum Resist Lightning : +15% (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Reduces Target Lightning Resistance: -20%
Hit Points : +75
Resist All : +20%
+100% Extra Gold From Monsters
Cannot Be Frozen
ABYSSAL BRETHREN (tribute set)
Zenda's Glory
Ancient HelmArmor Class: (66-93)
Durability: 90
Required Strength: 86
Required Level: 33
Increased Armor: (40-60)
+(20-30)% Faster Hit Recovery
Requirements -40%
+25 to Dexterity
+25 to Strength (with 2 pieces)
+25 to Magic (with 3 pieces)
+25 to Vitality (with 4 pieces)

Zamal's Teaching
Jagged StarOne Hand Damage: (21-26) to (64-77)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 140
Required Level: 33
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(1x)% Damage (Based on Character Level)
Chance to Hit : +(75-100)%
+(30-40)% Increased Attack Speed
10% Chance to Cast Circle of Ice on Striking
+(0.5x)-(1x) Cold Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+5 to Circle of Ice Spell (with 3 pieces)

Varaya's Adamant
CuirassArmor Class: (266-301)
Durability: 120
Required Strength: 64
Required Level: 33
Increased Armor: (200-225)
Requirements -20%
Hit Points : +(50-75)
5% Chance to Cast Flash When Struck
-7 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 2 pieces)
+20 to Strength (with 3 pieces)
+20 to Vitality (with 4 pieces)

Khan the Almighty
WardArmor Class: (78-110)
Chance to Block: 79%
Shield Damage: (23-27) to (46-54)
Required Strength: 169
Required Level: 33
Increased Armor: (40-60)
+25% Increased Chance of Blocking
Attacker Takes 20 - 20 Damage
+40% Faster Block Rate (with 2 pieces)
Mana : +100 (with 3 pieces)
Maximum Resist Magic : +15% (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 2 Level
Regenerates 20 Life per 5 Sec
Resist All : +40%
Cannot Be Frozen
+20% Light Radius
Greyscull Might
Colossal BladeTwo Hand Damage: (77-91) to (165-195)
Required Strength: 193
Required Dexterity: 115
Required Level: 41
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(175-225)% Enhanced Damage
+(35-45)% Increased Attack Speed
Hit Steals (10-12)% Life
To Hit : (2x)% (Based on Character Level)
Increased Armor: 150 (with 2 pieces)
5% Chance to Cast Healing on Striking (with 3 pieces)

Greyscull Defense
Dragonhide ArmorArmor Class: (166-235)
Durability: 68
Required Strength: 68
Required Level: 37
+(200-250)% Enhanced Armor
Increased Armor: (40-60)
Resist All : (25-35)%
+(40-50) to Strength
-5 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 2 pieces)
-5 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 3 pieces)

Greyscull Vigor
RingRequired Level: 40
Increased Armor: (40-60)
Resist All : +(30-40)%
Hit Points : +(75-100)
Mana : -(100-75)
+10% Critical Hit Chance (with 2 pieces)
+15 to All Attributes (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+25 to Strength
-5 Damage Taken From Enemies
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Act of Transformation (Skeleton King)
+50 to Strength
Maximum Resist All : +8%
-10 Damage Taken From Enemies
+30% Faster Hit Recovery
Trang-Oul's Guise
Grand CrownArmor Class: (74-103)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 52
Required Level: 40
Increased Armor: (50-75)
+(20-30)% Faster Hit Recovery
Regenerate (5-8) Life per 5 Sec
Attacker Takes 18 - 24 Damage
Requirements -40%
Mana : +125 (with 2 pieces)
+(1x) Chance of Getting Magic Items (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)

Trang-Oul's Claw
ClawOne Hand Damage: (14-16) to (39-45)
Required Strength: 105
Required Dexterity: 130
Required Level: 41
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
To Hit : (4x)% (Based on Character Level)
+(1x)% Damage (Based on Character Level)
+(66-99)% Critical Hit Damage
Hit Steals (10-12)% Life (with 2 pieces)
+15% Critical Hit Chance (with 3 pieces)
3% Chance to Cast Bone Spirit on Striking (with 4 pieces)

Trang-Oul's Scales
Templar PlateArmor Class: (202-288)
Durability: 110
Required Strength: 89
Required Level: 41
+(125-175)% Enhanced Armor
Resist All : +(30-40)%
-(8-12) Damage Taken From Enemies
Requirements -40%
+(0.5x) to All Attributes (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Hit Points : +(1x) (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
Half Freeze Duration (with 4 pieces)

Trang-Oul's Wing
ArtefactArmor Class: (24-32)
Chance to Block: 76%
Shield Damage: (7-8) to (15-16)
Durability: 36
Required Strength: 121
Required Level: 38
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking
+(10-20) to Dexterity
+(20-30) to Strength
+(2-3) to (a Page 6) Spell
+(2-3) to (a Page 4) Spell
Resist All : +25% (with 3 pieces)
Maximum Resist Lightning : +10% (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Increased Armor: 50
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Increased Armor: 100
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Act of Transformation (Skullwing)
Increased Armor: 150
Mana : +100
Reduce Target Physical Resistance: -20%
+15% Faster Walk
Tal Rasha's Horadric Crest
Grand CrownArmor Class: (64-88)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 52
Required Level: 45
Increased Armor: (40-60)
Resist All : +(10-15)%
+(20-30) to Magic
Spells Are Increased (1-2) Levels
Requirements -40%
Increased Maximum Mana 10% (with 2 pieces)
Regenerates 5 Mana per 5 Sec (with 3 pieces)

Tal Rasha's Adjudication
AmuletRequired Level: 45
Spells Are Increased (1-2) Levels
Hit Points : +(40-60)
Mana : +(40-60)
+10 to All Attributes (with 2 pieces)
-6 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 3 pieces)
+5% Spell Power (with 4 pieces)

Tal Rasha's Lidless Eye
Swirling CrystalOne Hand Damage: 18 to 42
Durability: 50
Required Level: 46
Wand Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(10-20)% Increased Cast Speed
+(2-3) to (a Page 5) Spell
+(20-30)% Spell Power
Requirements -100%
Reduces Target Fire Resistance: -10% (with 2 pieces)
Reduces Target Lightning Resistance: -10% (with 3 pieces)
Reduces Target Cold Resistance: -10% (with 4 pieces)

Tal Rasha's Guardianship
Archon PlateArmor Class: (270-330)
Durability: 90
Required Strength: 70
Durability: 50
Increased Armor: (200-250)
Resist Fire : +(30-40)%
Resist Lightning : +(30-40)%
Resist Cold : +(30-40)%
+88% Chance of Getting Magic Items
+10% Increased Cast Speed (with 2 pieces)
+(1x) to Magic (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Regenerates 5 Mana per 5 Sec
Bonus with 3 or 4 pieces:
Regenerates 5 Mana per 5 Sec
+65% Chance of Getting Magic Items
Bonus with 5 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 2 Levels
+65% Chance of Getting Magic Items
Resist All : +25%
Regenerates 10 Mana per 5 Sec
+50 to Magic
Viz Jaq'Tar Retaliation
Rune SwordOne Hand Damage: 10 to 42 +(2 x Clvl)
Durability: 75
Required Strength: 147
Required Dexterity: 88
Required Level: 47
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
Ignore Target's Defense
Adds (2x) to Damage (Based on Character Level)
Reduces Target Resistances: -(10-20)%
+(25-30)% Increased Attack Speed
Hit Steals 10% Life (with 2 pieces)
(5x)-(10x) Magic Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+(75-125)% Critical Hit Damage (with 4 pieces)

Viz Jaq'Tar Cover
Dragonhide ArmorArmor Class: (342-400)
Durability: 68
Required Strength: 68
Required Level: 44
Increased Armor: (300-350)
Resist All : +(20-30)%
-(8-12) Damage Taken From Enemies
-50% Light Radius
Hit Points : +(2x) (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
+(30-40)% Faster Hit Recovery (with 3 pieces)
+(15-20)% Faster Walk (with 4 pieces)

Viz Jaq'Tar Vengeance
Wrist BladeOne Hand Damage: (17-20) to (73-84)
Durability: 75
Required Strength: 77
Required Dexterity: 149
Required Level: 50
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
Offhand Weapon
+(75-100)% Enhanced Damage
Reduces Target Resistances: -(10-20)%
+(15-20)% Increased Attack Speed
Hit Steals 10% Mana (with 2 pieces)
(3x)-(6x) Cold Damage (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+(1x) to Dexterity (Based on Character Level) (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+50% Damage vs. Demon
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+50% Damage vs. Demon
+50% Damage vs. Undead
Bonus with 4 pieces:
30% Damage Absorbed by Mana
Maximum Resist All : +10%
Cannot Be Frozen
+100% Damage vs. Demon
+100% Damage vs. Undead
M'Avina's True Sight
Grand CrownArmor Class: (60-80)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 87
Required Level: 43
Armor Class: (60-80)
Regenerates (8-12) Life per 5 Sec
Mana : +(25-50)
+(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed
Spells Are Increased 1 Level (with 2 pieces)
+15% Critical Hit Chance (with 3 pieces)

M'Avina's Caster
Gothic BowTwo Hand Damage: (25-30) to (125-150)
Durability: 45
Required Strength: 107
Required Dexterity: 213
Required Level: 49
Bow Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(150-200)% Enhanced Damage
+(30-40)% Increased Attack Speed
Chance to Hit : +(50-100)%
+(75-100)% Critical Hit Damage (with 2 pieces)
Magic Hit Damage : 100 to 375 (with 3 pieces)
Reduces Target Magic Resistance: -(22-33)% (with 4 pieces)

M'Avina's Embrace
Archon PlateArmor Class: (187-275)
Durability: 90
Required Strength: 70
Required Level: 50
Armor Class: (75-100)
+(150-175)% Enhanced Armor
-(6-12) Damage Taken From Enemies
+(20-30)% Faster Hit Recovery (with 2 pieces)
Hit Points : +(2x) (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+(0.5x) to All Attributes (Based on Character Level) (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+10 to All Attributes
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+20 to All Attributes
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Increased Armor: 100
+25 to All Attributes
Resist All : +25%
Piercing Attack: 50%
+100% Chance of Getting Magic Items
Rathma's Wisdom
Grand CrownArmor Class: (64-78)
Durability: 60
Required Strength: 87
Required Level: 45
Increased Armor: (40-50)
Increased Maximum Life (10-15)%
30% Damage Absorbed by Mana
-(8-12) Damage Taken From Enemies
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec (with 2 pieces)
Resist Magic : +50% (with 3 pieces)
+10% Spell Power (with 4 pieces)

Rathma's Pastoral
Archon StaffTwo Hand Damage: 26 to 45
Durability: 100
Required Strength: 96
Required Level: 50
Staff Class: Character dependent attack speed
+5 to Bone Spirit Spell
5% Chance to Cast Bone Spirit on Striking
+(30-40)% Spell Power
Reduces Target Resistances: -(15-25)%
+(1x) to All Attributes (Based on Character Level) (with 2 pieces)
Resist Cold : +50% (with 3 pieces)
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec (with 4 pieces)

Rathma's Soulcage
Ornate PlateArmor Class: (260-325)
Required Strength: 71
Required Level: 40
Increased Armor: (150-200)
Requirements -60%
+(1x) to Vitality (Based on Character Level)
Resist Fire : +50% (with 2 pieces)
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec (with 3 pieces)

Rathma's Omen
RingRequired Level: 49
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Increased Maximum Life (5-10)%
Hit Points : +(50-75)
+(20-30) to All Attributes
Resist Lightning : +50% (with 2 pieces)
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec (with 3 pieces)
Reduces Target Magic Resistance: -10% (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec
Bonus with 3 pieces:
Regenerates 10 Life per 5 Sec
+25 to Vitality
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 1 Level
Maximum Resist All : +10%
Resist All : +25%
Regenerates 20 Life per 5 Sec
+50 to Vitality
Bul-Kathos' Sacred Charge
Executioner's SwordOne Hand Damage: (84-96) to (154-176)
Durability: 150
Required Strength: 224
Required Dexterity: 110
Required Level: 48
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
One Handed Weapon
+(75-100)% Enhanced Damage
+(20-30)% Critical Hit Chance
Resist All : +(10-20)%
+(15-25)% Increased Attack Speed
+25% Chance to Knockback
+(33-66)% Critical Hit Damage (with 2 pieces)

Bul-Kathos' Tribal Guardian
Ancient BladeOne Hand Damage: (31-36) to (75-86)
Required Strength: 171
Required Dexterity: 102
Required Level: 50
Sword Class: Character dependent attack speed
Offhand Weapon
+(75-100)% Enhanced Damage
+(2x)-(4x) Cold Damage (Based on Character Level)
Hit Steals (8-12)% Life (with 2 pieces)
+(33-66)% Critical Hit Damage (with 2 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
Spells Are Increased 2 Levels
Chance to Hit : +200%
Increased Armor: 50
+100% Damage vs. Demon
+100% Damage vs. Undead
Griswold's Valor
Ancient HelmArmor Class: (75-105)
Durability: 90
Required Strength: 144
Required Level: 47
Armor Class: (50-60)
+(50-75)% Enhanced Armor
Hit Points : +(66-99)
+(20-30)% Chance of Getting Magic Items
-10 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 2 pieces)
To Hit : (2x)% (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
+15 to All Attributes (with 4 pieces)

Griswold's Redemption
Divine ScepterOne Hand Damage: 16 to 20 +(2 x Clvl)
Durability: 75
Required Strength: 125
Required Dexterity: 125
Required Level: 50
Mace Class: Character dependent attack speed
Adds (2x) to Damage (Based on Character Level)
Chance to Hit : +(75-120)%
+(40-50)% Increased Attack Speed
Reduces Target Physical Resistance: -(10-20)% (with 2 pieces)
+15% Critical Hit Chance (with 3 pieces)
+50% Critical Hit Damage (with 4 pieces)

Griswold's Heart
Ancient PlateArmor Class: (357-487)
Durability: 135
Required Strength: 217
Required Level: 49
+(175-225)% Enhanced Armor
+(20-30) to Strength
+(40-50)% Faster Hit Recovery
-10 Damage Taken From Enemies (with 2 pieces)
Hit Points : (2x) (Based on Character Level) (with 3 pieces)
Resist All : +25% (with 4 pieces)

Griswold's Honor
AegisArmor Class: (120-146)
Chance to Block: (90-100)%
Shield Damage: (30-34) to (61-69)
Required Strength: 185
Required Level: 46
Increased Armor: (80-100)
+(40-60)% Faster Block Rate
+(30-40)% Increased Chance of Blocking
+20 to Dexterity (with 2 pieces)
Half Freeze Duration (with 3 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
+25 to Strength
Bonus with 3 pieces:
+25 to Strength
+25 to Dexterity
Bonus with 4 pieces:
+25 to All Attributes
Hit Steals 10% Life
Increased Maximum Life 25%
Hit Points : +100
Resist All : +35%
Immortal King's Will
Spired HelmArmor Class: (85-120) (135-170) (with 3 pieces)
Durability: 120
Required Strength: 169
Required Level: 45
+(150-200)% Enhanced Armor
+(20-30)% Light Radius
+(35-50)% Extra Gold From Monsters
+(30-40)% Chance of Getting Magic Items
Resist All : +15% (with 2 pieces)
Increased Armor: 50 (with 3 pieces)
Hit Steals 10% Life (with 4 pieces)

Immortal King's Decapitator
Ancient AxeTwo Hand Damage: (160-192) to (230-276)
Required Strength: 231
Required Level: 50
Axe Class: Character dependent attack speed
+(150-200)% Enhanced Damage
+(75-100)% Critical Hit Damage
+(20-30)% Increased Attack Speed
To Hit : (4x)% (Based on Character Level)
Fire Hit Damage: 250 to 500 (with 3 pieces)
Cold Hit Damage: 150 to 300 (with 4 pieces)

Immortal King's Soul Cage
Ancient PlateArmor Class: (380-500)
Durability: 135
Required Strength: 271
Required Level: 50
Increased Armor: (250-350)
-(12-20) Damage Taken From Enemies
Requirements : +25%
+30% Faster Hit Recovery (with 2 pieces)
Resist All : +25% (with 3 pieces)
+(2x) to Vitality (Based on Character Level) (with 4 pieces)

Bonus with 2 pieces:
-6 Damage Taken From Enemies
Bonus with 3 pieces:
-12 Damage Taken From Enemies
Resist All : +15%
Bonus with 4 pieces:
Resist All : +35%
-20 Damage Taken From Enemies
Increased Maximum Life : 25%
+75% Damage vs. Demon
+75% Damage vs. Undead